From nicole, Age 15 - 01/03/09 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 235 lb, Today: 235 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 140 lb - Hi I am new here. I am tired of looking in a mirror and seeing a blob :( I need to lose weight to be happy. My main problems are overeating and lack of exercise. I eat when I'm bored too. I need advice please!!
Breakfast-sausage mcgriddle
I mostly ate alot today because I worked concessions at a bball game today
Reply from Hali, Age 15 - 01/10/09  - IP#:
I understand completely , and i must agree w/ the post belowme ( im sorry, i cant remember the name on the post! :( ) If you work at a concession stand and simply CANT get out of it, go for the job that requires the most physical activity, like unloading crates. Or instead of taking orders, be the person who walks around filling them (but no samplers!). Walking is a great way to get physical activity, whether it feels like your getting it or not, all those steps add up. And I agree with the post below to. You dont need to lose weight to be happy, you think you need to lose weight so others will see you and think that you are happy with your body. Ive been down the eating disorder road, that kind of thinking only leads to bad things, if you think like that, you will eventually get down to your goal weight and see someone smaller than you and say, I NEED to lose more weight to be like her. Its the worst possible way to think. ( im sorry, i really dont mean to sound so pesstimistic, I just dont want other girls going through what I did, and by the way, the eating dosorder made me lose weight at first, but that i balooned up another 30 pounds.)
With the right mindset, you can do anything.
Reply from Melissa, Age 15 - 01/07/09  - IP#:
I understand how you feel. But I have to agree with Taylor. You've got to learn to love yourself now,the way you are. Don't lose weight just to be 'pretty, skinny and popular'. I've finally come to terms with my weight, and I'm fine with it, if I lose weight or not, I'd be fine. The thing is though, is that you've got to lose weight because you want to be HEALTHY. That's why I'm finally ready to start losing weight, because I want to be healthy...yeah I admit, I want to look skinny in pictures, and I want to wear clothes that show off a skinny, curvy figure, but I want to lose weight mainly because I don't want the health problems my doctor told me about.
Oh by the way. If you're having trouble controlling yourself at work, then maybe you shouldn't work there. Or, eat before you go to work, or drink lots of water while you're there. You can't say you over-ate because you work at the concession stand-the concession place isn't FORCING you to eat, that's you. One thing I've learned, is that I've forced this weight upon myself by eating what I ate, and I'm done shoving handfuls of chocolate chips in my mouth each day, same for gummy bears and soda. I'm done, and I don't want to eat like that anymore, and you should want to lose weight to be healthy...stop working at eh concession stand.
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 01/05/09  - IP#:
To start off with, if you can't love yourself now, losing weight will never ever make you happy. It doesn't have that kind of power. Take it from me, your weight doesn't affect your happiness, because if you can't love yourself now, you have to learn, before you will ever be happy.
And working a concession stand isn't any excuse. If you can't control yourself, then don't do it. Because when your on a diet, you don't get one day or so a week to mess up. Yo yo-ing with your weight is more dangerous than being overweight.