From Jessica, Age 13 - 07/19/08 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 362 lb, Today: 406 lb, Goal: 120 lb - I'm so sick of this...
I literally haven't a clue how to stop eating. My stomach hirts so bad right now, and yet I'm still eating. Why? I don't even know!
I weight four hundred pounds and I'm just going to keep on getting bigger. I almost think Jeremy has given up. I can't stop eating, and lately he's been trying less and less to get me to stop.
I hate the way I look and the way I feel. I look in the mirror and what stares back at me is huge, fat, bulgy, and gross. And I can barely move because I'm so big. It's so hard... everything is so hard.
And yet I keep eating. I think I probably will keep eating, until one day I explode. Because no matter how big I get, or how bad it hurts, I CAN'T stop. And I can't exercise, because I'm almost too big to move. Exercise is pretty much impossible.
I feel hopeless. Thanks for the suggestions and help, but I'm beyond help. I'm so huge... and there's no way I can stop this. I'm just going to get bigger and bigger. =(
Reply from D'Ondra, Age 13 - 07/21/08  - IP#:
Talkking like that you won't loose weight. If you are having a problem of eating to much this is what i sometime do. When I say this is the last one(pizza,cookie etc.) Instead of eating another I put it up. Whenever I say this is the last one thats when I start overeating. Or flush all of the sugery crap in your ouse down the toilet. If you are going overboard on the cake cover it in salt and walk away. Or hide all of the junkfood ina locked area and after a while you forget about it. (My dad did that to me.)
Sorry if I didn't help.
Reply from Jessica, Age 13 - 07/20/08  - IP#:
you justt gotta get in control. tell your mom you need fruit and veggies. tell her not to buy any junk. if she hears it coming from you, she will understand! Jeremy posted and said she wouldn't listen to him, but that's because she needs to here it from you. to control your binging and cravings, get a small notebook and write "i will not eat that" 10 times minimum, then squeeze your hands together really tight, and last just walk away. this may sound stupid but it will work. to exercise, do small things you can think of: chores that get you to walk, wall pushups(just lean against the wall and straighten your arms), stepups (you need something to stand on 2-3 inches high, and just step up on it and back down), even just shaking your hips (in private for me) will get your heart pumping! Don't push yourself too hard and you will do fine! we all have confidence in you! love and best wishes forever!
Reply from ellie, Age 15 - 07/20/08  - IP#:
maybe jeremy is getting disheartened but if you show him that you want to do this then he will get motivated again in his wish to help you. maybe suggest to him that you want to make a weeks eating plan and walking plan. he could help you make the right choices and talk to your mum about the foods you will need and you can then you could ask him to monitor you and help you prepare healthy food.
Reply from Jenna, Age 21 - 07/19/08  - IP#:
Hi hunny, I know exactly what your going through, i think that if we talk i can really help you out! my aim is sabresgrl0929 you can email me at <3
Reply from efgdf, Age 15 - 07/19/08  - IP#:
tell ur parents or brother to get all the junk food out of your house stock up on healthy foods so when u wanna snack or have a bad craving the only thing u can eat is something healthy. & drink a lot of water
Reply from Tiara, Age 15 - 07/19/08  - IP#:
You can do it. I saw this guy on Oprah that used to be 860 pounds. Then he lost like 600 pounds.
Reply from Motivated, Age 19 - 07/19/08  - IP#:
change the foods you're eating. start eating low cal foods instead- like fruits and veggies...drink a lot of no-cal drinks and water! tea with splenda is so sweet and takes away cravings, and since it's hot- it takes a while to finish drinking. you can do this- but you have to try your hardest. without effort it's a no-go...
Reply from Ben, Age 13 - 07/19/08  - IP#:
If you think that way, yes, you are. A way to stop binging is when you have a craving, drink lots of water. Being 400 pounds, you BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is very high, and you already burn alot of calories doing nothing. Just get up and walk around a little until you get out of breath. Just eat healthy, and throw out every kind of junk food.