From Jessica, Age 13 - 07/17/08 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 362 lb, Today: 406 lb, Goal: 120 lb - Hey it's Jess, Jeremy's little sis, again. Well, I thank people for all the support I got last time. I sort of do want to lose weight now that I think about it, but I think I'm more scared that I won't be able to because I don't know hpw. I'm still eating A LOT, and finally hit the 400 mark. I'm huge and it really is upsetting Jeremy to see his little sister be 4 times his size. (He' underweight and weighs only about 112 so I literally am getting closer to being fourtimes his weight.) It's getting harder and harder to move. My huge belly gets in the way and I can BARELY wrap my arms around my own stomach. It really scares me to know that if I don't stop soon I'll get even fatter! I never even realized it was possible to get so large. But I feel like I can't stop it... even right now, I'm eating oreos as I type this, and I feel so out of control. I think I have literally forgotten how to stop eating... and it's so sad.
Soon I won't be able to walk, because I already have to waddle aroudn slowly, and it's gets me SOOOOOOO out of breath to do so. My mom also is always throwing food at me and it's like I don't know how to say no. At least not to food.
My clothes are SOOOOOOO tight now, but I don't know ow to ask for new ones. I mean I outgrow clothes constantly, vbut do they even make them big enough to fit me anymore. I mean, no one is SUPPOSED to weight 400 pounds. I feel too big to exist anymore. It's like I just got so big I don't matter. And I can't leave the house anymore. I waddled out of the house to get the mail the other day, and all the neighbors came out and stared. Some even took pictures, and they all laughed. I would have cried, but by the tim I got back to the house, I couldn't even breathe. It scared Jer so much he almost called an ambulance.
And please, I need someone to give me advice. And I need it fast. How do I stop eating so much? Please, hurry, before I get any bigger!
Reply from Matt, Age 18 - 07/18/08  - IP#:
well if u know what u want that helps and it seems u do, and it seems u know some of the problems again good, and its sweet ur concerned for ur bro, well it will be hard but i know u can do it, things are never out of control, and the first thing to do is get in the mind frame of stopping, but ur not too big to exist, but those people are stupid and mean dont listen to them and im sorry u couldnt breathe, well to stop eating eating smaller portions over time is good as was said and food replacements are good and water is helpful among other things, stay positive if u want to discuss more go to the new chatroom or email me or aim mnwithhours22 good luck
Reply from Tia, Age 15 - 07/18/08  - IP#:
Well, I'm totally horrified! How dare they take pictures as if you're some kind of sideshow! Try not to let it get you down, I know you can do this. I always feel like I'm totally out of control as I only started trying to lose weight a couple weeks ago, and so far all I've done is put it on. I know how hard it is to stop eating so much and change the things you eat, but if you want something enough, you can get it! Just think, by realising that you have a problem you're one step closer to solving the problem! You can so do this, we all can, we just need to stay focused even though it's hard!
Best of luck,
Reply from Motivated, Age 19 - 07/17/08  - IP#:
sugar and over eating is an addiction, so, you need to treat it like an addiction- you need to stop the physical part by dealing with the mentality behind the addiction. work on your issues with food. meditate on it. also, the addiction is physical- your body is used to getting fed so many calories and so much sugar and processed foods. you need to cut back on all of the very sugary, processed foods and fight through the cravings- they will subside after some time. even two weeks of a strict, no processed-sugar diet will do wonders for not only your weight, but your physical addiction to food, and also build your self-confidence in your ability to take care of yourself and get your life under control. you can do this. you will do this. take it one mouthful at a time, remmebering that each bite counts, and you WILL succeed!
Reply from Jessica, Age 13 - 07/17/08  - IP#:
hi jess! :D my name too. i read what jeremy typed two weeks ago and i posted. i feel really bad for you, about your dad i mean. if you ever want to talk to me, let me know and we can meet in the old chatroom (new one doesn't work and i can't give out my mail, sorry). it is really great how much your brother cares about you. and it is terrible that people were taking pictures, i mean what is wrong with them? honestly, you cannot get any worse than that! well anyway, let me know, my two bff have divorced parents too. i would really love to talk to you! your like my long lost sister! Love and best wishes, Jessica (5'4'' 166 pds):D
Reply from Amanda, Age 19 - 07/17/08  - IP#:
you can still eat all the time if you eat healthy things. like apples, carrot sticks, celery, oranges. anything healthy you can eat all day long. because at the weight you are, youd be able to eat all day long and you would still lose weight because your body would be shocked by it
Reply from michelle, Age 14 - 07/17/08  - IP#:
don't feel bad you can still eat you can eat 5 times a day i do breakfast a snake lunch a snake and dinner i try and go to bed at 8pm so i don't eat after that and tell your mom you wanna lose weight so she stops trying to give you food all the time as for exercising just walk around till you get out of breath and stop just eating well should help
Reply from Jenna, Age 21 - 07/17/08  - IP#:
Hi Hunny, it seems like we have a lot in common, if youd like to talk and maybe help eachother through weight loss my aim my screen name is Sabresgrl0929 i really hope to hear from you!!! <3 =)