From Jessica, Age 13 - 06/24/08 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 362 lb, Today: 384 lb, Goal: 120 lb - Okay, so my bro Jeremey told me to come write on these boards. He wants me to lse weight. I kind of do to, but I just don't know. I just love to eat. I eat until I'm full and just continue. I pig out all day everyday, and to tell the truth I love it. I know it's bad for my health, but I don't even care. Ever since my dad left things have been down hill, but eating fixes that if just for a little while. I know I'm pretty big... no, no, I'm HUGE, but I'd rather eat than lose weight, because it makes me feel better. I know he wants me to, but I just can't seem to stop. It is kind of scary though, because it is getting so hard to walk. I can barely stand, and most of the time I need help getting up. I get so out of breathe and it's so hard to move. And I know as I get bigger yet, it will be harder and harder, but I suppose there will always be challenges. But as for losing weight... I don't want to. I'm fine with it, my mom is too, and Jer can't make me do anything. I always eat until i feel like I'm about to pop, and even then I don't stop because it tastes so good and feels good too. I don't care how much I weigh. Jeremy is scared about me reaching 400 when he probably should be more scared abotu me reaching 600 or 700. Because I just not going to stop. I'm going to eat and eat and eat, no matter how big I get...
Reply from matt, Age 18 - 07/06/08  - IP#:
well hi well you know you should take some time and think of what you really want and go with that, but you know it might not be a bad idea just to gain some mobility, but it is cool whatever you choose to do, if you want to talk about it email
Reply from Dan, Age 20 - 06/30/08  - IP#:
Hey Jessica, you should just do what you feel would be good for yourself. If you want to keep eating and gaining, go ahead. If you ever want to chat or e-mail with me, I'm on AIM and Yahoo as Mrranger2005 and you can e-mail me at
Hope to hear from you soon!!!
Reply from peter, Age 17 - 06/25/08  - IP#:
lets get something straigt here. .even though ur heart and breathing is normal i dont think u can be healthy and obese for very long.. .ur blood presure goes up, u can get diabetes which cna make u go blind an have to be on a kidney mochine, the weight will wear out ur joints early.. .u can get sleep apnear which is when u stop breathing when u r asleep. . ur liver can fail from fat in it,, an if u r obese it takes several years off ur life.. im 280 lb an it sucks majorly to not be able to move fast, never hav a gf, and i always have probs finding cloths.. .so ppl lets not fool urselfs..kk
Reply from victoria, Age 17 - 06/25/08  - IP#:
I myself this March of 08 learned that I too was overweight. I knew that my weight was not normal for my age but did not want to look it in the face, and just kept doing the same old things. I too was unhappy with the way I looked and finally I confronted myself along with my mom (super support)and we decieded to do something about it. My weight was 215 and I hit my knees because I didn't think I was that FAT. Yes, I say FAT because that is what I was pure and simply. Now lets look at what my mom and I did! My mom got me a membership at a gym, we started weight watchers ON-LINE (no meetings) and started on the programs. We started on April 3, 2008 and as of today 6-24-08 I have lost a total of 22.8 pounds. I have CHANGED THE WAY I EAT. I hated salads but learned to like them in many different ways with different toppings, I eat normal foods but everything in portion size (much smaller portions) and they work with points. You get so many points per day and you don't go over those points. I have had a little help though! i have two hyper dogs that now that i am out of school for the summer i walk an drun around with to shed the pounds.(BEST WAY, AND THE EASIEST!) i spend time having fun with my dogs and i get exercise. It has helped alot.I hope to get down to my goal weight of 135lbs. by my 18th birthday in December.I am 192 right now, so i have about six months to lose 57lbs. At two pounds of weightloss a week, (the safest amount to lose) i should hit my goal sometime in mid -December. if i can do it (one day at a Time) you also can do it. Just take it a day at a time.
Reply from Salli, Age 13 - 06/25/08  - IP#:
Just wondering, is there any stress in your life? I'm asking this because people are different. Some people, if there is a lot of stress in their life, they eat to try to get rid of the pain and stress. Take my friend for example: Her dad walked out on her, her mom, and her brothers and sisters. She was already overweight (like 12 and 131 pounds) but then she got heavier! I didn't notice at first, but my parents did. The OPPOSITE happened with her mom and sister. They handle stress and pain by not eating, as do I. That is why her mom and sister have lost a lot of weight, not by purposly trying to, but by the amount of stress in their lives. Just think about that and think : Do I eat when I'm stressed, or not eat when I'm stressed?
Reply from michelle, Age 14 - 06/25/08  - IP#:
i dont kno and u dont have to listen to me by any means but plz just read this. you are an emoional eater i am also an emoional eater i didnt get up to 300lb but i did get up 2 230lb and i really couldnt breath at all i could walk but couldnt breath at all. plz dont do this to ur self and if u care about ur brother at all u won't cuz its aparent that he cares for u so much he has been on this site acking every one for help cause he dosnt want u to die flower frawn said u may die before 25 but the way u are goin u will die of a weight related problem by 16 not 25 u need to stop and i am willing to help u i kno u dont want to but its not about what u want its what u need to live yesssss LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so if u make the right decision e-mail me at
Reply from Zephyr, Age 13 - 06/24/08  - IP#:
I myself am also not willing to lose weight. I weigh about 327 pounds but decided I wanted this when I was 7 years old. I like what I am and don't want to lose weight, but I did gain weight at a slow but healthy rate. I didn't make myself what I am in a year. Before I started gaining I made myself somewhat musculer so that I could hold up the extra weight. I overate but not regularly and I made shure to get some excersize and eat healthy too. According to my docters my heart, lungs, and breathing are the same as when I started to gain. I deided that know I am satesfied with my weight and stopped trying to gain. I vowed that I would never let myself get over 350 pounds. Now I still excersize and eat healthy with the occasional sweets. Please concider what your doing. You can still be fat and healthy. Just please follow my example. Good Luck.
Reply from Flower Fawn, Age 15 - 06/24/08  - IP#:
Girl, do you hear yourself?! You NEED to worry about your health. If you keep going, you will die before you are 30 years old, maybe even before 25. And even if you marry and have kids before that, you will die before you can watch them grow up. KEEP A GRIP JESSICA! Right now it seems okay to pig out becuase it gives you pleasure. But that pleasure will ruin you. Soon it will get harder to breathe, walk, and buy clothes that fit. It will just get harder, and you might end up in a wheel chair or need a walker or cane to move around. Why are you doing this to yourself? You are only embarrassing yourself and ruining your body. You have so much to offer but you are stuffing down your feelings and just slowly killing yourself. You need to learn how to deal with you dad leaving. Your mom can't protect you forever and if you don't confront your issues soon they will eat you from the inside out until you are a bitter person and you will be unhappy with yourself becuase you will look and feel terrible. I'm not saying these things to hurt you, I WANT TO HELP YOU. It would be pathetic to reach 600 lbs before you are 20, which is possible at the rate you are going. Use your head!!! It is a sin to treat yourself the way you do. You don't have to care about your appearance but you must find some way to be healthier. If you eat until your stomach hurts you are damaging your organs too. You don't have to give up any foods, just eat them in smaller portions. Start cutting things in half and saving them for later, like the next day. Have breakfast, a snack, lunch, a snack, dinner, and dessert. Don't worry about exercise but try to walk for five minutes a day at least. SAVE YOURSELF! I care about you and your brother does too. PLEASE listen!!! <3 <3 You are in my prayers.
Reply from panic at the disco junkie, Age 14 - 06/24/08  - IP#:
Well i know that you don't want to loose weight but you can make heathery choise's like do u like chips? If you don't get the baked ones bacause they taste the same and are soo much better for you. Plus i bet you llke soda too? Get the zero stuff because it tastes the same and is tons and tons better for you. Plus light mayo and wheat bread with drinking water and milk can make a world of differne. May not be for your weight so much for your health its going to make a world of differnece. And you may not care about you weight but i would care about my health