From Lucee, Age 17 - 06/08/08 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 179 lb, Today: 163 lb, Goal: 150 lb - Aaagh i am so frickin pissed at myself!!
80% of the time on days when im working, at school, out with friends or just really busy i am hardly ever hungry and i stick to my plan really well and exercise and everything but then theres days like today when im in the house bored all day (because i had 2 stay in 2 study for a sociology exam on tuesday) and what do i end up doing? BINGEING!! Honestly i must have consumed at least 5000 calories today and i purged which im really mad about cos im in recovery for bulimia which was going really well but i have relapsed quite a few times in the past month which i think is down to exam stress. Sociology is my last exam though so hopefully after that i can get back into my plan, work on recovery more and finally get down to a weight which i can be happy about my body with and not have to focus on losing weight anymore and just focus on maintaining that healthy weight! Sorry about the rant..just had to vent there <3
Reply from Amanda, Age 19 - 06/08/08  - IP#:
i know how you feel. ive never been full-on bulimic but if i eat too much, the guilt is so overwhelming that i end up purging when im alone. its lonely. i havent done it in over a month and i hope to never have to do that again. we can make it.
Reply from Motivated, Age 19 - 06/08/08  - IP#:
all it takes is 80% you'll still make progress. three steps forward, two steps back, but eventually you'll get there. and just remember to do it to be healthy- which means not ruining your throat and teeth and health by purging.
Reply from ellie, Age 15 - 06/08/08  - IP#:
im in recovery for bulimia too