From Lucee, Age 16 - 10/30/07 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 165 lb, Today: 165 lb, Goal: 130 lb - Hey, this is my first time posting here. Im more here for support than dietary advice as i already know practically everything there is to know about dieting (so feel free to ask me anything =] ) but the reason im slightly overweight is because i have bulimia :( Anyway, im trying to overcome it and the only way i can do that is to get to a healthy weight safely because im never going to respect myself while im overweight, so as you can see im going to try and lose 35lbs between now and next march. Does anyone have any tips or advice on overcoming bingeing? I can last about a week sticking to about 1400 cals and exercising 3-4 times per week but then i just get to a day when i just binge for no reason and i cant stop. Its controlling my life..i spend numerous hours over a toilet when because ive eaten so much when i should be doing homework or revision. Anyways i really need to lose this weight. Does anyone want to be like weightloss buddies or something if you have a similiar amount of weight to lose as me? Replies welcome x
Reply from Mandy, Age 16 - 10/31/07  - IP#:
wow thats exactly how i am. i do good for a bit, mayb a week then i totally screw up. i used to have anorexia and bulimia and even after healthy days i still think about throwing up and in the mornings i think about not eating at all for the day... at the moment i eat pretty good 1200 cals and exerciseing but i kno it doesnt last that long then i go on massive binges till i feel sick :/ ill b ur weightloss buddy if u want cause we both weigh the same and our goals r the same :] my msn is ... i neva got help or told neone because i thought people would b like "if uve got an eating disorder y r u so fat?" u kno. but yea i dont really kno the right answer so yea... email me xoxo ♥
Reply from Laura, Age 18 - 10/30/07  - IP#:
Hi - I also have a long history with bulimia, and I totally agree with the previous posters who said you need professional support. I do not think this is something you can overcome on your own, so please try to find an adult you can talk to so you can get some help. Also, dieting is unfortunately pretty much the worst thing when you're trying to get over bulimia, because when you're already prone to bingeing, restricting your food intake so that you get very hungry will make fighting that urge almost impossible. Not bingeing and purging has to be your first priority, so eating very regular meals that have some protein and fat is the way to go, I think. You will probably lose weight without trying if you stop the bulimia; I did, at least. But in any case, you really need way more support than we can give you here, from professionals. (And they may delete your post here, since I don't think they allow eating disorder posts.) Good luck, though - bulimia totally messes up your life, so I'm sending you good thoughts. :)
Reply from Whitney, Age 18 - 10/30/07  - IP#:
Well i never thought I would find another one like me, Im trying to overcome anorexia and bullimia. I'm better now, it started 2 years ago when I lost about 50 lbs doing it and got caught, i've gained 30 of it back. I still battle it everyday, not so much the anorexic part but the bullimic part, there are days when I am fine then there are days when I can't control what I do the urge just comes back and its like I am helpless. I recently just told my best friend for the past 6 years everything I have been through and told her how much I wanna stop so I know she is there for me but she really doesn't understand and plus I have already started lying to her not to hurt her. If u want to go ahead and drop me an e-mail Stay Strong 3
Reply from sabina, Age 17 - 10/30/07  - IP#:
hey my little sister was bulimic...she was for a really long time...i don't know how to put this gentley but u dont get rid of bulimia. She is fighting it everyday. It's so hard to stop...even now she tells me it is tempting to run to the bathroom and let it all out. I don't know how to help you since I am not a professional but do tell someone at school like the nurse because if you dont you will end up like my little sister. She had to be brought to the hospital. her body had gone into shock...i don't think i have ever been so scared in my life. She has to go to therapy every week. But it is supposed to become less often once they think she has better control over herself. Listen You R allowed to w/e u want but burn off what u take in. I Wish i could do more for u but i cant and i doubt anyone our age can help u even if they went through this because we're not professionals who can help u. But u did the right thing by asking for help now go talk to ur parents or to the school nurse.