From Anna, Age 14 - 10/25/07 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 203 lb, Today: 170 lb, Goal: 125 lb - I'm sick and tired of being fat Sometimes I rather die than live this horrible life. No one is their for me not even my friends. They say I'm so fat when they are so skinny. I hate me life hate it hate it hate it. My other friend who is a cow that weighs over 200 pounds don't want to help her self. Her she's losing weight and here I am and can't lose any weight. I'm about to do something. I can't take it anymore. Everyone says i'm here for you when they really aren't. I'm tired of this horrible life. I'm tired of not having a boyfriend because of being ugly has hell and having a fat a**
Reply from dezzi, Age 13 - 10/27/07  - IP#:
hi im going through wat ur goin throu too i just knocked some peple out of my life cuz they called their selves friends but they werent at all but im happier without em cause well i found new friends who are real bffl and they stick up for me and u shouldnt worry about guys cuz they just dont kno when theyre missing out on a great person trust me my mom says that ill find some 1 who will love me for who i am not for wat i look like so good luck!!!!!!!!!!;)
Reply from Emma, Age 14 - 10/27/07  - IP#:
Hey, listen, I'm going through a lot of the same things right now. You just have to ignore those peoples comments! Or just get away from them! When people are mean to me, I just go somewhere else and hang with people that accept me! You'd be surprised that no matter what you look like, if you have a great attitude and are fun to be around people will treat you with more respect! Even if you are depressed, try not to let other people see that, and just have fun! You'll get so much more respect that way! Try your hardest during p.e. as well, people will see the progress! And don't stress about not having a boyfriend, for most guys, looks don't actually matter! I used to be depressed ALL the time and always complaining about my weight and not having any fun, but when I changed my attitude about it and started having fun I got a boyfriend! Just use that depression towards working out, it will help! Don't let other people get you down! Good Luck! you can e-mail me anytime you want
Reply from kaitlynn, Age 14 - 10/26/07  - IP#:
girl you are beautiful and you need some new friends ive just realized how good my friends truly are recently... and i don't have a boyfriend either:( which i used to get really depressed about but then i asked my few guy friends that i had and wasn't very close to and they are hot!!! well one of them told me that you have to get guys attentions well im not telling you to go out there and be a total slut but wat im saying is that if ur shy and you put your self down NO guy will want to date you trust me on this i stopped putting my self down all the time and just started trying to be just friends with guys and now i have alot of guy friends i still don't have a bf but i go to a really small highschool and there aren't very many guys!!!!!!!!! which sucks. but right now just use that hurt to make yourself excircise... and you really are beutiful:)sorry this is sooo long if you ever wanna talk
Reply from Whitney, Age 18 - 10/26/07  - IP#:
Ok one u shouldn't have friends that put u down and two u shouldn't make comments about ur other friend that u are calling a 'cow' Words like that hurt even if she never sees them. I mean would u want people calling u names like that behind ur back especially people u think are ur friends. And we all hit that point where we want to change now just harness it and use it towards ur motivation. And trust me guys will still go for u know matter what size u are, u know surprisingly to what u think not all of them are shallow and go by looks alone. Stay Strong