From Vivian, Age 17 - 08/30/07 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 257 lb, Today: 257 lb, Goal: 160 lb - Hey guys, this is my first time on a site like this so plz be nice to me! Now that I am over 250 pounds I have realized that I am VERY overweight and I need to do something about it. I have tried dieting before but it never worked, this time tho I am going to have to really lose some of my weight. I can't seem to stop eating tho! I just do it without even thinking about it all the time! I'm gonna start exercising but how do I stop wanting to eat 24/7??? help!!!!!!!!!!
Reply from Kyla, Age 16 - 08/30/07  - IP#:
hey vivian. it was so good to here from you! you can reach me at ya i am starting my "new way of eating" 2morrow. so what are you doing to lose weight?
Reply from Ella, Age 18 - 08/30/07  - IP#:
What works for me is getting so busy that I don't have time to snack or eat for the heck of it. I had a problem just eating when I was home (i'm at college now) but recently because of my move, I don't eat as much and I've lost over 20lbs in the course of less than a month and a half.
Reply from RedRoseLuvr, Age 14 - 08/30/07  - IP#:
P.S. In your spare time (not at school)instead of watching TV and eating, find a hobby like drawing or sewing to keep your mind off food. And add exercise into your life little by little.
Reply from RedRoseLuvr, Age 14 - 08/30/07  - IP#:
Hello, Vivian! Welcome to the club. Don't despair about your weight. You made a good choice by deciding to do something about it because you want to be healthy and look good.
I recommend the book The Diet for Teenager Only. It's not a "diet", which is why it works! It teaches teenagers how to live healthy lifestyles and how to deal with tricky food situations and difficult times when all you want to do is EAT EAT EAT, plus there's lots of awesome recipes and tips. It even tells you how many calories you should eat based on your current weight to loose weight, how to find your BMI number, and how your calories are supposed to be broken down. But being healthy means having a healthy attitude as well. Don't hurt yourself by starving yourself or obsessing with your body all the time. Find a realistic goal by talking to your doctor or using the tools on this site. Remember that everyone's body type is different and therefore so will your healthy weight be. Don't obsess about your flaws either. Just try to change what you can and accept what you can't. You are beautiful no matter what the media says! Just aim to be HEALTHY, not THIN. Always love yourself. I wish you the best of luck and love, and I'll be here once or twice a day for advice! 3
Reply from Kyla, Age 16 - 08/30/07  - IP#:
hey vivian. would you be interested in having a "weight loss buddy"? your weight is very close to mine and my goal weight is also 160. but i am needing an accountability (sp?) partner. we check in w/eachother at the end of everyday and see how we did and make sure we drank our water, ect. then at the end of the week, we can see how much we have lost.
i am illergic to beef, and possibly pork, so i have decided to change my eating habits and eat chicken, lots of fruits, and lots of vegies. it is not gonna be easy for me, but i gotta do it!
Reply from Kyla, Age 16 - 08/30/07  - IP#:
you sound a lot like me. lol. i am at 149.6LBS and i have realized also that i have to do something. like you, diets have never worked w/ me cause i can not stick w/ them. i am also going to start excersing. i have the problem with eating all the time because i am homeschooled and always by the kitchen (where the food is lol). i was told to drink a lot of water, and that will help.