From Aryana, Age 15 - 08/22/07 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'11", Start: 200 lb, Today: 195 lb, Goal: 145 lb - Ok,so I'm trying to lose weight. One main reason is because diabetes is throughout my family and I could catch it anytime, but luckily even with my weight where it is now...I have yet to get it. I can't remember the healthy girl I was 5 years ago, because I'm no longer as active. Basically, I need some help. Quite a while ago my mother passed on, and she was the cook in the house. Then after that my father started buying me fast food...and more fast food...and more. I was getting hooked, and i didnt know it. I was drinking coca cola, and not any water. I quite cheerleading, soccer, basketball, everything that was important to me before my mom died wasnt anymore...and I hadnt known I had a problem before it was to late. So now I have switched from drinking coca cola to coca cola zero, and even now I'm trying to give up that to drink water, and more healthy drinks instead of soft drinks. I've stopped eating fast foods, demanding that my father stop buying it and I'm going to the grocery store for better meals in a few days. Though I want to know what would be good things to buy, what would be good workouts and what to definetly stay away from, that I don't know about yet. I've lost five pounds on my own, but that was from excessive working out but the weight comes back on from 200, to 195 and then to 197 and then back up again...I can't seem to get back down to 180, or even to 190..I want to be able to reach 185 by october, then by December I want to reach 175, and then by march i want to reach 165...and then finally by June I want to reach 145. It's a healthy weight, and I need to lose this weight for MORE than just being healthy, more than just staying away from diabetes. I need it because I need money for college, something that i think about daily. And to do so, if I lose this weight, a local mall would allow me to model for very good pay, but to be able to I have to lose the weight. They say I have the look, and that if I could lose the weight I could be a model. However I would only be a model to gain money for college...and that's what I need...more than ever. College is my main goal in life, to graduate with a Phd in Psychology and start to help people...but to do that I need help myself. So, what's some good, healthy ways to lose the weight i need to?
Reply from Anna, Age 14 - 08/22/07  - IP#:
Your tall being that tall I firgured you couldn't hardly tell that your over 190. But it's hard to lose weight. I would start doing teabo everyday for a couple of weeks. I recommend Billy Blanks bootcamp. The first week start doing mission 1 then mission 2 then mission 3 Like make a schedule of exercises and food you want to eat that day make sure you have extra calories that you can put in so something that unxepted happens like a party or something you can have food for that extra time
Reply from Alexandra, Age 14 - 08/22/07  - IP#:
You should first start writing down exactly what you are eating and maybe start counting how many calories you are consuming a day. You will want to start eating around 1300-1600 calories a day. Also you should exercise at leat 30 min. per day of cardio like bike riding, walking, ect. When you can do that incorporate weight lifting a couple times a week. I reccomend Kathy Smith videos she rocks! Also you have a great positive attitude already so keep it up. It is good you are going shopping for healthier foods. Try buying the laughing cow light cheese wedges, hebrew national beef franks, nonfat cottage cheese, baby carrots, FRUIT, lean cusine paninis, boca burgers, wonder light bread, whole wheat english muffins, egg whites, no calorie spray butter, pam, and anything else low calorie and stuff. Coke zero is great I drink like 2 cans a day its my guilty pleasure lol I also like dietcoke plus. It helps you not want sugary foods and it comes in vanilla and cherry coke zero too! Hope I helped if you have any questions my email is and my aim is xopaigemexo3. I really would love to help so if you wanna chat or sopmething I will respond lol !