From gz, Age 14 - 07/08/07 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 169 cm, Start: 77 kg, Today: 68 kg, Goal: 65 kg - listen to me the ONLY way to lose weight is to eat about 800-1200 calories per day and exercise thats why 95% of the diets fail people think they eat too less when they eat too much no snacking and about 10 hours of exercise per day    (Note: 169 cm, 68 kg is 5'6", 149 lb.)
Reply from Anna, Age 14 - 07/09/07  - IP#:
I don't think anyone can do 10 hours a day 10 hours a week sound better.
Reply from gz, Age 14 - 07/09/07  - IP#:
and it varies from person to person i eat about 800-1200 calories per day and i exercise about 10-14 hours a week you should determine how much you eat by how much you exercise
im not really sure if im overweight though cuz i have a pretty large amount of muscle mass and people tell me that im not "fat" but good luck guys! keep it up, (by the way the physical activity should be something you enjoy for example i practice breakdancing 3-4 hours about 2-4 times a week)
Reply from gz, Age 14 - 07/09/07  - IP#:
i ment 10 hours of exercise per week i made a mistake :P
Reply from charlotte, Age 15 - 07/08/07  - IP#:
and i only exercise 20-60 mins each day and i have lost 45lbs and kept it off for 2 years
Reply from charlotte, Age 15 - 07/08/07  - IP#:
r u crazy i lost 45 lbs eating 1500 calories a day
Reply from molly, Age 13 - 07/08/07  - IP#:
oh and about the snacking, you should have 5-6 SMALL meals a day
Reply from molly, Age 13 - 07/08/07  - IP#:
ummm 800 calories is way to little. I'm barely overweight and my body naturly burns 1800 calories a day, and the more overweight you are, the more calories you body burns naturaly. i shoot for 1200-1500 calories a day, knowing that i exercise at least another 500 calories. most people should have 1200-1500 calories a day. 10 hours of exercise! you're kidding me. i'm only up for 14 hours a day! try 1 hour of exercise. get your facts straight before you post next time
Reply from Anna, Age 14 - 07/08/07  - IP#:
that's way to much exercise. You just eat healthy and try do the most exercise you can. do like 30-60min a day that's what your supposed to do