From Erica, Age 13 - 07/04/07 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 184 lb, Today: 184 lb, Goal: 140 lb - Hi, I'm Erica! I've been trying to get myself to lose weight for a little while now, but I just can't stick to it. I end up gaining more weight because I can't stop eating. At night I watch TV in the kitchen so I can sneak food. If I try to watch TV in the family room I'll eat food from the pantry (which is in that room). I just love food too much! I eat food even when I'm not hungry, but I never actually feel so full that I feel sick. That's probably why I can keep eating unlike people who are at a healthy weight. I don't know when I'm full! This is probably because when we eat regular meals I'm not usually feeling starving, so when I am done eating I feel no different. Does that make any sense? I hope so. I don't know what to do. I've thought about only eating when I'm hungry, like hungry enough that my stomach is growling, but I realized that wouldn't work because I am either at camp in the summer or school during the year, and you can't just eat whenever you start to get hungry there. Also I would mess my whole schedule up by eating only when I am really hungry.
So can someone please help me figure out how to lose weight? I just can't stop eating! I don't know what to do!
Reply from Briana, Age 15 - 07/08/07  - IP#:
Me too gurl Do you need a weight loss buddy if so reply back or email me at Good luck gurl!
Reply from amanda, Age 15 - 07/04/07  - IP#:
well u never want to let urself get really hungrey u want to eat wen ur about 30 percent full and eat to about 80 percent. it also helps if u brush ur teeth right after eating that way you dont want more. if ur not into dieting or anything if u excersze alot then u usually dont need to watch wat u eat. tae bo is great fro losing wieght by the way.
Reply from Anna, Age 14 - 07/04/07  - IP#:
Ask your parents to put a t.v. in your room that's what I do