From Laina, Age 14 - 06/21/07 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 175 lb, Today: 156 lb, Goal: 130 lb - Ok. I'm really making the decision to lose weight not only because I want to look and fell good, but because I know that if I don't lose it now, I will keep on gaining and when I'm older I'll just be an overweight woman which is like one of my greatest fears. So, if any of you have any motivational tips or anything like that please let me know. Good luck to all of you.
Reply from Marie, Age 15 - 06/21/07  - IP#:
Heya, i sooo get where your comming from, because most of my family is overweight and i realllly don't wan't to end up like that. I think exercise is the KEY, because if you put lots of effort into that, ure not going to want to ruin all that hard work and effort with eating badly, and also after i have exercised i feel really good about myself and refreshed. I suggest you exercise with a friend because it keeps you motivated, i know i wudnt be able to bother if i didnt exercise with my freind. ANDDDD also, get up early and do ure exercises!!...ure refreshed from sleep and its better to get it out of the way, i do it before school. Running is the best way to lose weight, no matter how slow u start off, u will improve. HOPE THIS HELPS!!! =]