From Pecan, Age 15 - 06/20/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'0'', Wt. 150 - I think i am doing ok today- so heres what i have done. For breakfast I ate a bowl of Kix with skim milk- 150 calories. I then went on a two mile walk pushing my 30lb cousin in the stroller. For lunch I had a small piece of bread with ham and a little cheese. I drank some water and now am going to make a strawberry smoothie with just strawberries and ice because apparently strawberries are negative/very little calories. I then am going to tennis for an hour and a half. BUT then I am going to the Brewer's game. I am worried that I will blow my good day then? Should I just not bring money along so I will not be tempted to eat too much, and eat a healthy supper beforehand? Any tips as to how to not eat the junk food there?
Reply from Mandy, Age 13 - 06/20/06  - IP#:
You're probably back from the game already but for future times..if your going to sports games, make sure you have a healthy snack before you go, and don't bring money, so you won't be tempted, then you won't eat any junk at the game. Unless you promise yourself you will buy water or something lol.
Reply from Nadie, Age 15 - 06/20/06  - IP#:
yes eat dinner before you go so you can possibly be full while youre there. also maybe you want to bring a healthy snack with you maybe baked chips? but try not to blow it just think of how hard you have worked. also think do i want to eat this and blow my hard work?
Reply from Michelle, Age 18 - 06/20/06  - IP#:
Have your dinner before you go such as a small baked potato and loads salad with either a few slices of ham or half a small tin of tuna. Then Bring a bottle of water with you and chew on sugar free gum. and remember to say no to your friends who offer you junk food.
Reply from marly, Age 14 - 06/20/06  - IP#:
Funny how I am going to a game tonight too! I'm gonna try not to blow it too! I did okay today, I had 110 cals of pretzels, a 5 cal lemonade, and a 72 cal apple and burned 122 on the elyptical machine... But I'm still feeling like I need to lose more.. what for dinner?? Any suggestions? Do you think it's possible for me to lose 19 pounds in 10 weeks before school starts?? Call me! <3 Marly
Reply from Kaylee, Age 14 - 06/20/06  - IP#:
I would bring enough money to get a bottle of water. Just make sure you eat a good dinner before you go!! Just remember how good your day is and you don't wanna blow it on a hotdog and fris!!