From chels, Age 14 - 06/13/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6, Wt. 195 - i went to the mall today to get jeans and left with nothing . i tried on so many pairs a bunch of different sizes and nothing fit me im like super depressed now :'[
Reply from bridget, Age 14 - 06/14/06  - IP#:
i have almsot the same states at u and feel the same way i have an extremly big wast line and i did to buy a pair of pants 3 sizes smaller that i tryed on but did not fit they were so cute! so i bought them an it ispires me well if u want e-mail me or talk 2 me on msn
Reply from chels, Age 14 - 06/14/06  - IP#:
thanks guys :]
Reply from Megan, Age 14 - 06/13/06  - IP#:
Hey Chels! I know how you feel I went into a dressing room with 8 pairs of jeans and went out with nothing!! I felt so fat and ugly----I did however buy a pair of jeans to give me incentive to lose wieght by my b-day (June 27) so I can wear them---though I have to lose 10lbs to wear them!! Don't lose hope just work at it and you'll succed at it!!! (sorry I can't spell)
Reply from Kaylee, Age 14 - 06/13/06  - IP#:
I'm not really over weight but I'm short so pants are so hard to find!! Don't get depressed over things not fitting right. we all have this problem. no matter size or shape something about our bodies make it hard to find things that fit. Just keep looking, try some new stores and good luck!! Remember your as beautiful as you act!!