From rachel, Age 12 - 01/04/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5 2, Wt. 127 - hey people! today im going to the store to get special K cereal. it says u can lose 6 pounds in 2 weeks. I don;t care if thats slow! My goal is to lose at least twenty pounds. in 7 weeks i'll loose more! im also gaonna do the seventeen ,magizine get a flatter stomach in 2 weeks. If these things don;t work and u know PLEASE tell me! thank ya much! from
Reply from Lindsey, Age 10 - 01/10/06  - IP#:
u mit only want 2 eat the cereal at about dinner cuz yer supposed to mak yer breakfast be the bigest meal than 2 work yer way down. o well, good luck!
Reply from Amy, Age 13 - 01/08/06  - IP#:
Oh and you cant lose 20 pounds in 7 weeks it took me 10 weeks to lose 14 and i was really scrict! bUt good Luck anyway if you do lose 20 pounds in 7 weeks tell me how u did it :)
Reply from Amy, Age 13 - 01/08/06  - IP#:
if the special k cereal diet means only eating special k i wouldnt do it...coz that means your body is not getting enough of each food group and enough nutrients found in Fruits and vegtetables! You can do it if you like but as soon as you stop and go back to eating like you do now your body will agin back the weight you lost! What eva u choose Good Luck
Reply from bethan, Age 12 - 01/05/06  - IP#:
it sounds great that u want to try new things but as the girl said in the other reply, on the special k diet all u eat is cereal and thats only twice a day!
u dnt have to diet or follow rules its like having ur whole live under supervision, because for one ur parents tell wot and not to do and dieting u try and stop urself from eating all the bad things, which is just to hard to do i've tryed to many times lol. i lost 7 pounds in 2-3 weeks by just cutting down on my normal intake, and eating healthier things,like having smaller proportions and excersizing and try and drink lots of water. im startin a new website which is gona have ideas for cuttin down and how u think about things and we talk about everythin else lol like boys and stuff hehe. lol check it out sometime i havent made it yet so ill keep ur email and send u the site when its made.
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 12 - 01/04/06  - IP#:
i like special k cereal but the ony reason why you lose 6 pounds in 2 weeks(which is alot) is because almost all your supposed to eat is cereal.