From Clara, Age 13 - 01/02/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
I'm 13 and weigh 60Kg. I try to loose weight by doing excercise and eating healthily, it lasts a while but then my friends want to go to Mc Donalds and christmas comes and I put on weight and feel fat cos they are all english sizes 8-10
Reply from Amal, Age 14 - 01/04/05  - IP#:
if you go to mcdonald you dont have to feel left out,you could order something more healthy.Or you could just eat what you want and try hard later to burn it off.I went to mcdonalds many times with my friends but i did not gain any weight or anything like that cos i do tonnes of in the scotland regional squad(for basketball), so i train with them on saturday for 3 hours.i also have basketball on wednesdays for another club.i reccomend you start basketball,it a great way of keepin in good shape.Email me if you need any help!!!!!Lotz of luv Amal
Reply from Amal, Age 14 - 01/03/05  - IP#:
What size are you in English sizes, and how tall are you?I live in the u.k too and im tryin to lose sum 5.5feet(1.65m)and weigh 145pounds(66kg).im not really that much older than you either,i just turned 14 on the 11th of december.If you want we could be diet buddys?My email is
Reply from cAroline - 01/03/05  - IP#:
my addy is
bye bye
Reply from Caroline - 01/03/05  - IP#:
Hey Do you want to be buddies I am the same weight n age as you approx. I need a buddy for modivation and stuff!!!
Reply from Samantha, Age 12 - 01/02/05  - IP#:
How do English sizes relate to american?
Reply from hagalugabagabegin, Age 12 - 01/02/05  - IP#:
hey, when ur friends wanna go to mcdonalds get a grilled chicken sandwich or something with a diet coke and only eat a few fries after you eat if u feel like u ate 2 much, excersize u should also excersize daily but if u dont have time u should excersize atleast 3times a week 4 20 minutes. u could also ask ur friends and family if theyll help u watch what u eat and help u remember 2 excersize. for example if ur at mcdonalds they can help u by reminding u 2 get something not so bad 4 u or if u wanna go out 2 eat go 2 like subway or something it is actually really good.