From katie, Age 13 - 08/13/08 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 402 lb, Today: 402 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 130 lb - i have a big problem my peditrician said if i gain more i can die my mom started sobbing when she said this so did i .HELP!!!! i can not find clothes my gut sags over any of my way to small pants and i can't walk and you can see my big belly as my shirt does not fit over it. at the doctors they took me to a different part as the scale in the kids area didn't go high even that was emmbarrising. people stare at me in public i can barley breathe if i can walk it is only for like a minute. i gained 50 during the school year pounds !!! the desk at school are connected to the chairs now last year i barley fit cause i was like 290 at the begging of school at the end i was like 340! to sit it took me 2 minutes to scqueze in to a desk and i was always late for class cause we only have four min. to get there so it took me like 10. my mom was able to talk to the school so it was ok though.i have gained 50+ pounds so far this summer. please help!
Reply from Brittany, Age 12 - 08/09/09  - IP#:
Hi Katie, I know EXACTLY what you are going through. I am ur age and a lil bigger then you. Id like to chat sumtime. My email is id luv to hear from ya.
Reply from keytomyheart, Age 15 - 08/13/08  - IP#:
Oh, there are two cool site you should check out. 1.) 2.)
Reply from keytomyheart, Age 15 - 08/13/08  - IP#:
Start out by cutting out sodas and sugary drinks such a juice drinks that are not 100% juice. Spending 100 calories on soda is a waste; wouldn't you rather chew 100 worth of food? So that's the first thing to go. Drink a lot of water 6-8 glasses of chilled water or unsweetened iced tea. Regular tea is also great for weight loss one cup a day; try to steer clear of coffee for a bit. Next, start adding fruit into your diet. A fruit at breakfast, one as a snack, and one with lunch is great. Slowly also add veggies into your diet, at least 2 servings a day. Now start switching any white rice, white bread, regular pasta or any other white wheat products to whole grain/whole wheat products. Don't forget to have some dairy! Or soy if you can't have dairy. Drink fat free or 1% milk, plus either some low-fat cheese, a low-fat yogurt, or low-fat pudding. Last but not least have seafood or lean meat once or twice a week, and throw in some good fats such as olive oil and a handful of nuts. Don't forget to treat yourself or you'll go insane! My doc told me having dessert 2x a week is good. As for exercise, slowly start by visiting You can start losing weight by sitting down and a chair! :) Then start walking outside for 15 minutes; it doesn't have to be non-stop. You can walk 5 min, stop, walk another 5, stop, and walk another 5. Work your way up to walking a full 30 minutes. Then get some exercise DVDs. You should have some cardio and strength training combo. Yoga and Pilates are good, and so is swimming and tennis. :) So best wishes, YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Also read the success stories and "My Stories" on this site for help and support and buy this book called Real Beauty from American Girl it will boost your confidence so much!!!
Reply from keytomyheart, Age 15 - 08/13/08  - IP#:
Katie, you do some serious help. I would suggest buying the book The Diet for Teenagers Only. It has helped me a lot so far and I guarantee you don't have to cut a single thing out of your life you will learn how to eat in moderation, loose weight and keep it off, and love yourself! It's worth the $20 investment, trust me! In the meantime, here are some tips to help you get started becoming healthy and fit! (Look at next post)
Reply from katie, Age 13 - 08/13/08  - IP#:
it took me so long cause i had to stop and sit and try to breathe