From announcement - 03/06/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
attention anyone, im sorry to bother you all, but what do u do for "diets" and stuff? just asking. please post
Reply from Rachael, Age 12 - 03/09/05  - IP#:
What i do is that the first week i started my diet i did 100 crunches, 100 leg lifts, and 100 push-ups when i woke up, got home from school, and before i went to bed.Also all i ate was salads for everymeal except for breakfast i eat a carb counters yogurt. what i do is every new week on my diet i add 100 more to the three things (for example my second week i would do 200 of everything three times a day) i was 122 about 2 days ago (thats when i started) and now im 116! I lost weight fast and thats how i did it i hope this helps you too!
Reply from Can't tell, Age 12 - 03/09/05  - IP#:
Hey, you guys are doing GREAT jobs out there!
I am a total dieting yo-yo. I went on this massive calorie reduction last year and lost 16 lbs. I felt horribel and gained it all back when I finally caved in. Now I'm on a new diet to self discover and health.
I have started eating less and exercising on my DDR. Soon I plan to start Denise Austin's Fat-Blasting Yoga. I've already seen a 2-3 lb difference in 3 days since I no longer binge or eat a lot at meals. If anyone needs a keypal or diet buddy, please e-mail me @ You are all going to look beautiful. Heck, you already are! Ciao!