From Jessica, Age 13 - 04/03/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hi, my name is Jessica. I am 13 years old and I am very overweight. I am 181 pounds. I play basketball alot...but nothing works. I try diets, and stuff like that. I want to lose the weight but not sure how. if any one could please tell me some thoughts that you guys have about this, because I really want to be a new me. So please, if you can help, please give me feedback! Thanks all!
Reply from Kayla, Age 12 - 10/28/04  - IP#:
Jessica, my name is Kayla and i am about to turn 13. I weight 163 and i am wanting to lose weight also. I try so much but nothing helps. I am in athletics at school and i do after school activites. I do not know what else to do.
Reply from brandi, Age 10 - 08/07/04  - IP#:
Also I forgot to mention to watch the serving sizes (of the junk foods).
Reply from brandi, Age 10 - 08/07/04  - IP#:
Really a diet may make you fatter. How? Well you want to eat some junk food every day right? Well, eventually you can't really think about anything else, then you go crazy and eat a ton of junk food. There is something you can do. It's slow but steady. You have to eat heathy (and exercise) but, you can have 2 (or less) junk food items a day. You can have almost as much as you want of things like carrots, apples and light popcorn. Try it, trust me it works for me! If it works tell your friends and family.
Reply from tracy, Age 13 - 08/03/04  - IP#:
Don't worry me and my very best friend came up with a new inproved diet and I am going to tell you what it is just hold on one moment ok now no candy no soda no snacks just for breakfast one bowl of cereal or an egg and for lunch just fruit or vegitables andfor supper just enough to fill you up but not a whole lot and drink as much water as you can get or milk or juice sorry about the spelling ut I just moved here from Ireland and Don't forget to exercise wrute back at Tracy aka bob
Reply from rachel, Age 11 - 08/03/04  - IP#:
get a friend to help out or get edvice from a book or someone.Go on the Akins diet.for a snack eat pickels or some fruit.if have a scooter or a bike ride it evrey day.Eat low carbes and calaries.Do push ups,sit ups,go running,swimmig,play sports longer,gemnastiks,walking,joging.