From jENY, Age 12 - 02/07/08 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1", Start: 121 lb, Today: 121 lb, Goal: 100 lb - Okk... so im fat and i will admit that but no one can seem to help me or give me any advice. I get made fun of in school... and one guy i like called me a cow. I mean am i really that fat. I try to exersixe.. me and my friend even go running together... bit it's not enought. its really hard though because i HATE vegitables and i have no suport what so ever from my family. I want to join a gum but it takes forever and a day for my mom to call them. Plus, it doesnt help that my friends make fun of me instead of helping me. Any advice or tips will be helpful. If you know any simple, good exersixes please tell me.
Much help is needed. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply from blake, Age 12 - 02/14/08  - IP#:
your not over weight their just messed up
Reply from Jeny, Age 11 - 02/11/08  - IP#:
hey im over weight. I know the one word that annoys all over weight kids. Cardio. Which is running jumping rope, swimming, basicly busting your butt off. But it isn't always that hard. Like right befor i posted this message i was dancing to some music with weights in my hands. Its the beat way to get your heart pumping to lose caliroes. Just grab something heavy and dance like a fool, pump up your arms, jog in place, or prteant to jump rope to your favorite music. And a very good way to make your legs work is to sit in an imagenary chair and hold it ther for 5 seconds and do that about 20 times. It sounds hard and it hurts but if you stick with it you will lose weight quick. Good luck. Always remember, your not alone.!!
Reply from katie, Age 13 - 02/07/08  - IP#:
hi im katie and i kno how you feel i get made fun of by girls but you kno wat theyre juss probaly jelouss you kno so dont pay attention 2 them and another thing guys dont kno wat they like and at this age they are real jerks but i kno youll find someone that will like you 4 you u and trust me its possible cuz i found someone and it turned out great and no u arent really that big maybe your goal 4 now is to lose at least 5 pounds in 2weeks and trust me then that mean boy you had a crush on will start to like you and maybe ur eaten tooo much junk but goooood luck :)