Before you post a reply saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight, please first check our Weight Calculator . If the calculator says that you are healthy weight, please do not post a message saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight. This offends the kids who really are overweight. Thanks a lot. |
Message Replying To From Allison, Age 18 Ht. 5'5", Start: 300 lb, Today: 170 lb, Goal: 130 lb - I'M A MOM POSTING THIS FOR YOU KIDS TO SEE.I just wanted to give y'all a happy update. In 2014 I wrote on here about my obese daughter becoming pregnant. At the time she was around 300 pounds and by the time the baby was born (overdue at 41 weeks) my daughter had lost 20 pounds by making a lifestyle change for the sake of her daughter. Obviously, it is hard to be pregnant at any age, but being obese, and 16 at the timeā¦it wasn't easy. She started eating healthy foods and cut out the junk, and she started going on walks early in the pregnancy. She said she wanted to loose weight to be able to take maternity pictures and see the bump because she carried a lot of fat in the belly area. Even though she only lost around 20 pounds, it made a difference and you could see her bump and she got to take the pictures she wanted. They are very beautiful and she looks clearly pregnant not just a girl with a fat belly. Some people thought it was wrong of me to get pictures done for her considering her age, but I was just happy that anything was motivating her to loose weight (Even if it was a baby and cute pictures for Facebook). She would have continued to loose more weight ( her doctor said all of this was ok) but since she was already out of shape and she was carrying another life, she found it hard to exercise by doing the walking she had started at the beginning of her pregnancy. It made her out of breath and it was hard for her to walk with her big pregnant belly (very different from her obese just fat belly) because it made her waddle, so she had to stop around 4 months. She even had a hard time getting around at school and had to get permission to use the elevator. If we went out shopping, it took us forever to walk around the store, but all these little things helped! She was a little discouraged because she had a hard time seeing the weight loss since her stomach and breasts were expanding, but she was always happy on the scale and that her stomach was hard and not flabby. She didn't mind eating healthy, she just rubbed her belly and remembered why she was doing it. So by the time she had the baby, she had to be induced and to this day she still says that was the hardest thing she has ever done. Having the baby naturally was a great strain on her because of her weight and this has motivated her even more to stay healthy. She is not having a child again for a looonngggg time, but now, she has continued to loose weight and teach her daughter a healthy life style. Her daughter is now a year and a half old and I am happy to say, my daughter is down to 170 pounds!!! She now shops in normal stores, is able to do everyday activities and do things with her daughter. She is by no means skinny, but it is a world of difference. She is still loosing and even her old obgyn is impressed. Now the next time she has a baby in (when she's married lol) she will fully enjoy it cause she will be healthy. This isn't me saying to tell your daughters to get pregnant even though that worked for us. It is just a happy and inspiring update to motivate y'all. |