Reply from READ THIS ITS THE , Age READ CONTINUATION - 3/24/05 - IP#:   bigbb-c41373

I'm sorry I was in the middle of typing stuff in the (eventhough) part right after the part about me yelling at my mom "to not get picked on at school" but any way here's the rest: So she pulled out breaded chicken and I didn't really want that because I eat whole wheat bread and I didn't want to eat breaded chicken because it's not as good for you as other things so I said,"It's breaded," and she replied with a very nasty sounding," so!" Then she took out a few different kinds of red meat and I dont really likE red meat that much, I don't know its just never appealed to me so I told herI didn't want that either. She proceeded ot throw that into the freezer as well and pull out porkchops and said,"This is white meat!" I replied with," No thank you, you know I've never liked porkchops." Afterwards she started yelling at me saying, "So you're not gonna eat anything in this freezer?!","You know you need to have a little fat!" so I told her that I knew that and that that wasn't the reason I didn't want anything she pulled out." She stormed out the back door and yelled a few obscure remarks that I didn't understand due to the fact that there was a wall between us (literally that is). I went to my room and started on my homework again, and she came up to my doo yelling things that I didn't pay attention to because I was so mad at her, so I opened the door and started yelling,"Well forgive me for wanting to be healthier and loose weight(because I'm in the process of changing my lifestyle I'm not just on a diet to lose a few pounds but because I want to live longer and want to have more energy and to be healthier...of course!)and not wanting to get picked on at school!(eventhough ) Oh! and forgive me for wanting to be happier and actually feel good about myself!" ...."to not get picked on at school!"(eventhough I don't) the end it was gonna say that I really don't need her yelling at me like that because one of my friends died 23 days ago...I really miss him.[that's the rest!] ***END NOTE: I am very fortunat that I dont get picked on at school, and I feel very sorry for anyone who does. I'm kinda balenced out....I'm 5'0" and I weigh about 145 but many people say that I don't look like I do because I have curves......